"Let me check one more time, am I filing for SSI or SSDI?"
"Just a minute, who is my POA? Or wait, is it my PCA?"
"What is an ISP? Does it replace an IEP?"
When it comes to caring, planning or advocating for yourself, your sibling, your child or another person with special needs, the road you travel will be immeasurably smoother if you are able to "talk the talk".
"Talking the talk" means you are confident that you can communicate effectively about a specific topic. There is a vast universe of information and resources available to us all and using the right language to ask questions and search online can be very helpful in finding exactly what you are looking for.
We have created Talking the Talk: Terms and Acronyms Frequently Used in the Disability Community as a reference guide to help you navigate and interact with agencies, support services, professionals and have access to the lexicon of special needs in general. Also included is a directory of Massachusetts specific acronyms (MASSHEALTH, MCB, MCCD, etc.) for our local readers . 👍
You may view and download a printable PDF of this helpful reference guide by clicking the report's image below.
Please contact us to discuss if we may be of help in planning for you and your family's future.